First Step

So, you have answered your call to adventure. You are starting your business. You know your Origin story. If not, see our last Blog post for creating that important detail. As you take your first steps into the unknown, and begin to find out that Gandalf was right, “The world is not in your books and maps, it’s out there.” It is time for your first adventure. Despite the best laid business plans and dreams of entrepreneurs, when they are applied to the real-world things change. Then we face our first true Challenge.

Who will you Rescue?

Getting your first customers is sort of like the hero’s first year on patrol. They often rescue civilians from small time crooks or minor disasters such as car crashes or house fires. Many first-time customers are a hit or miss occurrence. You are still learning. Don’t be ashamed of that but also realize that your focus needs to change. Just as a superhero cannot rescue everyone. You cannot serve everyone. So often business owners say that their target market is everyone. Maybe your business needs to focus primarily on your local market. Spiderman and Batman mainly operate in their own cities. Maybe your skill set is more focused toward dealing with street level markets or maybe you need to focus on the bigger picture. Just remember, even Superman could not fly at first (hence the whole,” stronger than a locomotive, faster than a speeding bullet, able to LEAP tall buildings in a single bound” schtick.)

Enter the Supervillains

So, what is a brand’s supervillain? This is your first major challenge. This could be the difficulties of opening your first brick and mortar location as opposed to operating solely online or in a makeshift location (home, garage, or coffee shop.) Maybe it is a problem that leaves you feeling like you are crushed beneath a mountain of trouble. Keep pushing against it. It could be overcoming the challenges of your first year or two. How to overcome the challenges of business growth, finding the right employees, developing an effective marketing plan and process for your goods or services, and finding the time and money to do it all, these are common problems entrepreneurs face in the first few years. Each challenge can become a terrible foe if you let it. Don’t let it crush you. Don’t Quit. Push through.


You’ve made it. You smashed your way through the challenges to the three-year mark like Hulk playing Whack-a-Mole with Loki. Now you have won against your first Supervillain. Your Brand’s story is not finished. Share with your customers the story of your triumph. Throw a party. Reward those who helped you along the way (customers, employees, friends.) Most important of all, share with your followers how this journey has changed you as a person, as a business, and as a brand. How has your journey shaped and reflected your values? This will also help your brand to connect to others. Now some Brand storytellers would end this with the return home. Your story doesn’t end here though. We want to make you the hero of a series not a trilogy or a one and done adventure. So, follow our blog to find out how to keep your story going. By the way, who or what was your first supervillain? Give us a comment!



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